quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2012


Conhecem o Ovo? Um Ovo muito especial. Muito mesmo. E completamente atual. Foi gravado em 2000 e podia ter sido gravado hoje. Já tenho este álbum há uns anos e gosto de o ouvir. Sempre gostei, mas agora mais do que nunca. Não sou  fã de Peter Gabriel, mas este album é especial. Se não o têm deveriam ter. OVO conta a história da humanidade através da história de uma familia. É a história de um mundo onde se vive em harmonia com a natureza, baseado na natureza e que passa por uma experiència de destruição e  alcançando novamente a paz em harmonia com a natureza. 
Vou deixar-vos com um bocadinho desta obra de arte que acho simplesmente maravilhosa e que por isso me apeteceu partilhar convosco. Procurem o resto e ouçam com atenção!  É quase mágico. Quase não!! É mesmo mágico!

Do you know Ovo? A very special Ovo. Really special. And so about the present. It was recorded in the year 2000 but it could have been today. I've had this CD for a few years and I like to listen to it, and now, more than ever. I'm not a great fan of Peter Gabriel, but this one is a very special album. You should have it if you don't. OVO tells the story of mankind through the story of a family. It's the story of a world where people live in harmony with nature, based on nature and that goes through a experience of destruction reaching peace and harmony with nature again.
I will leave you with a bit of this work of art that I find simply wonderful and because of that I felt like sharing it with you. Go look for the rest of the album and listen to it paying attention. It's almost magical. Not almost. It is totally magical!

3. Time of the turning
In the big house.
Where the sun lives. 
With the walls so white and blue.
In the red soil. 
All the green grows.
And the winds blow across your face, they blow across your heart. 
It's the time of the turning and there's something stirring outside.
It's the time of the turning and there's we'd better learn to say our goodbyes.
All the earth breaks. Like a stale bread.
And the seeds are folded in the soil. oh the sun pours.
Then the rains fall. 
While the roots reach right out through the ground, they reach out through the ground.
It's the time of the turning and there's something stirring outside.
It's the time of the turning and the world's falling.
Nothing you can do can stop the next emerging.
Time of the turning and we'd better learn to say our goodbyes.
If we can stand up. When all else falls down. We'll last through the winter.
We'll last through the storms. We'll last through the north winds.
That bring down the ice and snow. 
We'll last through the long nights, till the green field's growing again.
Growing again.

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